Top 5 Chia Seed Health Benefits: Digestion, Heart, and More

Chia seeds have gained popularity as a pantry staple in recent years due to its small, inconspicuous size and capacity to quickly thicken any beverage, pudding, or homemade jam. 

Chia seeds have gained popularity as a pantry staple in recent years due to its small, inconspicuous size and capacity to quickly thicken any beverage, pudding, or homemade jam. 

However, the health benefits of the seeds might persuade you to join the bandwagon if you haven't already.

Here, supported by the most recent research and the opinions of health professionals, we outline the key advantages of chia seeds, their nutritional makeup, and how to include them in your diet.

They support cardiovascular health.

According to Cohen, chia seeds may help prevent heart disease and sudden cardiac arrest due to their high omega-3 fatty acid concentration.

They may prevent constipation.

Chia seeds are high in fiber, a plant-based carbohydrate your body can't process. Insoluble (85–93%) and soluble (7–15%) fiber are found in the seeds.

They may reduce cancer risk 

Chia seeds are small but rich in antioxidants such tocopherols, phytosterols, carotenoids, and polyphenolic compounds1.

They may help control blood sugar and reduce diabetes risk.

Crouch believes chia seeds' fiber and lipids can balance blood sugar after a meal. "[These nutrients] slow the rate that your stomach dumps food into your intestines, 

They contain minerals that support bone health. 

Crouch says an ounce of chia seeds supplies nearly 31% of the RDA for magnesium, an underconsumed mineral, for 19- to 31-year-old women. 

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