Relationships Improve For 3 Zodiac Signs On June 1, When The Moon Aligns With Venus

On Saturday, June 1, Venus aligns nicely with the Moon, which works well for those of us in love. This type of day piques our interest, and we want to know what our companion is thinking.   

Are they pleased with their relationship? What do they require to feel content and understood?  

One of the most important lessons we may learn on Saturday is that if we want to know more about our partners, we must inquire. It is that simple.   

The early days of interrogating a partner to get to know them better have evolved into embracing someone for who they are, yet the curiosity persists. This is because while we are in a relationship, we grow and change as individuals.   

There's a lot to be said about how Venus and the Moon will effect Aries on Saturday.  While you want your relationship to work, you know you don't know what to do to enhance it right now.   

1. Aries

You can make the mistake of believing that if you stand up and contradict them, they will abandon you, or at least disapprove of you to the point where enmity arises.  

2. Cancer

What you'll discover on Saturday is that you've undervalued your romantic partner by believing they can't handle your honesty, while in fact, that's all they've wanted from you since the beginning.   

You've held back out of fear, believing that the'real' you is something no one can handle. However, your companion is eager for the real you and can't wait for more.  

3. Leo

Leo, sometime along the road, you began to mistrust yourself. While a lack of confidence appears inconceivable for someone like you, time has taken a toll on your self-esteem, causing you to hold back.   

They've attempted to bring the 'old you' out of the shadows and into the light, but you've convinced yourself that they won't enjoy the old you as much as they claim.  

This is a lesson in love that will teach you that everything is in your head. Your lover has never doubted you, so why should you? Just be yourself, and don't allow the darkness overtake you to the point that you shut out your spouse.   
