How The 9 Most Influential Astrology Transits In June 2024 Will Affect You

June is for falling in love — at least from an astrological perspective, because June 2024 has some amazing astrological 

transits in store for us! Since June 2024 is mostly influenced by Gemini season with Cancer season bringing up the end,  

these transits will have an even bigger influence on the collective as most of them are in the Gemini-Cancer axis.  

This transit is going to be lit! After all, Mercury isn't known to prefer Taurus, but it's right at home in the zodiac sign of Gemini.  

1. Mercury enters Gemini on June 3

June's new moon is in the zodiac sign of Gemini and will occur on June 6. This is more good news for air signs since it's right in the heart of Gemini season. 

2. New moon in Gemini on June 6

Mars, the planet of drive and determination, transits from Aries into Taurus on June 9.  

3. Mars enters Taurus on June 9

The Venus in Cancer transit begins on June 17, which is good news for everyone because Venus has a friendly relationship with Cancer. 

4. Venus enters Cancer on June 17

Mercury transit in June 2024, specifically on June 17 when Mercury enters Cancer after being in Gemini for a mere 14 days.  

5. Mercury enters Cancer on June 17

Vesta in astrology brings the light of devotion and ignites our soul fire. So when Vesta moves to Leo on June 19, don't be surprised if you suddenly have no patience for people 

6. Vesta transits to Leo on June 19

Finally, the Sun will make its monthly transition from Gemini to Cancer on June 20, thus kicking off Cancer season in earnest. When this happens.

7. Sun enters Cancer on June 20 and Cancer Season begin

As usual, we will have a beautiful full moon lighting up the sky this month, too, on June 21. As a full moon in Capricorn, it's the perfect time to make pledges to yoursel 

8. Full moon in Capricorn is on June 21

The last transit of June 2024 is Saturn retrograde on June 29. This is an important one, so prepare yourself for it in advance.  

9. Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on June 29
