Creamy Cashew Chia Pudding Bowl

This delicious chia pudding bowl blends chia gel and homemade cashew pudding. The combination is very delicious and ideal for meal prep!  

Try a new twist on creamy chia pudding.I've cooked chia seed pudding many times before, but my buddy Amie's version is unlike anything I've ever tried.  

Blogging and working in the health and wellness business have introduced me to a lot of interesting people. I've made lifetime pals who I wouldn't have met otherwise.  

One such person is Amie from The Healthy Apple. I still recall the first time we met. The first Foodbuzz conference took place roughly 7 years ago, back in the days of blogging.   

We clicked on that trip and have remained friends ever since. I'm very excited because today marks the release of Amie's first book, Eating Clean: The 21-Day Plan to Detox, Fight Inflammation, and Reset Your Body!  

Eating Clean chronicles Amie's quest to recover from a decade of chronic disease and demonstrates how others can do the same.  

In the opening of the book, she tells her entire story. How she dealt with Lyme Disease, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Fatigue, Leaky Gut, and Heavy Metal and Mold Toxicity.  

She describes how she visited numerous doctors before taking her health into her own hands and determining the main cause of all her problems.  

The Best Red Nail Polish for Your Skin Tone