Creamy Cajun Sausage Pasta

I really enjoy Cajun cuisine, however I can't speak for everyone. My understanding of Cajun may differ greatly from another person's because I was not up in the South, but let's ignore that for the sake of this discussion.  

Pasta is one of my go-to ingredients for Cajun cuisine. It comes in a myriad of variants; you can add chicken and sausage, and you can make it spicy or mild.  

Since I had some thawed sausage in the fridge, I opted to whip up a basic version last night. I made the spaghetti in less than 20 minutes using just 5 ingredients!  

– 14 oz smoked sausage, cut into small slices *I use jalapeno cheddar sausage – 12 oz pasta *I use Rotini – 2 cups heavy cream – 1 tablespoon Cajun seasoning – 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated


After the pasta has cooked as directed on the package, drain the water and set aside.  


Toss the sausage slices into a medium skillet and cook for 5 to 8 minutes, or until they get a golden brown hue.

Combine the Cajun seasoning and heavy cream by pouring them in and stirring.  

After the sauce starts to thicken a bit, reduce heat to low and simmer for around four minutes.  

Take the sauce from the stove and mix in the Parmesan.

After pasta is done, add it and mix well to coat.

Baobab Orange Chia Pudding 

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