2 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Achieve Abundance In June 2024

June has a plethora of interesting transits that will be abundant for air and mutable signs. However, water signs will also have some fun once these planets currently in Gemini enter the sign of Cancer.  

The month begins with the Jupiter trine to Pluto on June 2nd, followed by the new moon in Gemini on the 6th, two lovely transits that will push the collective to switch things up with how they make connections.  

On June 2nd, 2024, Jupiter will make a trine to Pluto, a metamorphosis that positively influences your sign. It initiates an epoch of power and influence for you 


With Mercury already in your sign, it will help communications flow with a pleasant momentum, gearing us up for an exceptional and enjoyable Gemini season 

Venus and Mercury will enter the cardinal water sign Cancer on the 17th, a meaningful time to evaluate your direction and make any strategic moves to your game plan.  


Cancer season begins on the 22nd, marking the beginning of your new chapter and bringing a wealth of abundance into your horizon. 

Mars’ ingress in Taurus on the 9th is a positive aspect for you. Although Mars is in detriment in this sign, it will still allow you to make moves and find a lot of common ground with the people in your life.  

Venus and Mercury will team up on the 17th to bring you a lot of love and socializing. Prepare for your social life to become more energized during this time. 
